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Fall 2020 Newsletter

Dear CodaLab Worksheets user,

We hope this email finds you safe during these difficult times. We recognize that the COVID pandemic coupled with the systemic racism has shone a spotlight on the inequities in our society, and we strongly support efforts towards mitigating these inequities.

Over the last year, we have made a ton of progress on CodaLab Worksheets to help you do more efficient and reproducible experiments. We would like to update you on some of the exciting features that have been released.

Editing worksheets is easier

You can now edit worksheets directly without editing the raw source. Buttons for adding text, uploading bundles, and creating runs are available on the header.

Editing worksheets

Search bar for worksheets

We've added a search bar for worksheets, allowing you to more easily switch between worksheets. In the future, this search bar will likely become a one-stop shop, extended to bundles, users, etc.

Search bar for worksheets

Manipulate bundles in bulk

Users can now select, kill, or delete bundles in bulk, as well as move bundles around the same or different worksheets.

Manipulate bundles in bulk

Upload directories

Users can now upload directories from the browser rather than relying on the CLI.

Faster loading of large worksheets

Worksheet loading is now faster. Rather than waiting (a long time) for all the relevant information before rendering anything, worksheets now render incrementally, first the basic structure and then additional information such as table contents are loaded asynchronously.

Looking for contributors

We would like to thank to all the feedback from users and help from contributors, without whom none of this would be possible. Open an issue if there is something else you would like to see.

CodaLab Worksheets is an open-source project, and we're actively looking for contributors. If you are interested in working with the team, please contact


The CodaLab Worksheets Team