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Lifecycle of a Bundle

Lifecycle of a Bundle

There are three types of bundles: uploaded bundles, make bundles and run bundles. Each bundle transitions through various states during its lifecycle.

State State Description
created Bundle has been created but its contents have not been uploaded yet.
uploading Bundle contents are being uploaded.
ready Bundle has completed uploading.
failed Bundle has failed.

State State Description
created Bundle has been created but its contents have not yet been populated.
making Bundle contents are being populated by copying its dependencies.
ready Bundle contents have been populated.
failed Bundle has failed.

State State Description
created Bundle has been created but its contents have not been populated yet.
staged Bundle’s dependencies are all ready. Waiting for the bundle to be assigned to a worker to be run.
starting Bundle has been assigned to a worker. Waiting for worker to start the bundle.
preparing Waiting for worker to download bundle dependencies and Docker image to run the bundle.
running Bundle command is being executed in a Docker container or results are being uploaded.
finalizing Bundle command has finished executing, cleaning up on the worker.
ready Bundle command has finished executing successfully, and results have been uploaded to the server.
failed Bundle has failed.
killed Bundle was killed by the user. Bundle contents populated based on when the bundle was killed.
worker_offline The worker where the bundle is running on is offline, and the worker might or might not come back online.