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Storage Externalization

CodaLab allows storage externalization by passing a file path to the --link argument when running cl upload. This makes the path the source of truth of the bundle, meaning that the server will retrieve the bundle directly from the specified path rather than storing its contents in its own bundle store.

Note that the path specified by --link must be accessible by the CodaLab server, so the --link functionality is useful for private instances of CodaLab in which the server and users both have access to the same filesystem.

In this case, it would be inefficient to copy every bundle upload to a separate bundle store. Additionally, using --link would make debugging easier by allowing users to directly mutate the underlying files that a bundle is associated with.


The --link functionality is not enabled by default on CodaLab installations. Read Server setup for more information on how to enable it.

CLI usage

Here is an example of using the link functionality:

cl upload /u/nlp/data/a.txt --link

In the above example, the upload command happens instantaneously (with no data transfer of the actual file), and the server will retrieve the data from the given link path when the bundle is required as a dependency.

Compare this operation to a normal upload, in which /u/nlp/data/a.txt will be uploaded to the server and a copy of it will be stored in the bundle store:

cl upload /u/nlp/data/a.txt

Server setup

In order to use --link with an existing filesystem, set either the CODALAB_LINK_MOUNTS environment variable or the --link_mounts command-line parameter to on the server.

This variable must be equal to a file path on the server that will be mounted onto the CodaLab server Docker container so it can access them. To specify multiple file paths to be mounted, separate these file paths with a comma.

For example, in order to restrict all possible linked paths to files inside the /u/nlp/data directory or /u/nlp/output directory, use:

CODALAB_LINK_MOUNTS=/u/nlp/data,/u/nlp/output python

If this argument is not specified, the /tmp/codalab/link-mounts directory will be mounted by default.


Mounting process

The --link_mounts parameter is necessary because the CodaLab server runs on a Docker container and does not have access to the entire host's filesystem by default.

Each path that is passed to --link_mounts will be mounted in a directory called /opt/codalab-worksheets-link-mounts on the Docker container, at a location that mirrors the original path in the host filesystem.

For example, if --link_mounts=/u/nlp/data is specified, this means that the host path /u/nlp/data will be mounted to /opt/codalab-worksheets-link-mounts/u/nlp/data on the CodaLab server Docker container.

It is important to note how --link differs from --shared-file-system:

  • --link is an argument passed to cl upload that means that the user is referencing a path that is already on the server (which typically means that the user and the server share a file system).
  • --shared-file-system is an argument passed to that means that the workers and the server share a file system from which they can retrieve bundle contents.

When a bundle is run with a dependency, here is what the CodaLab server sends the worker, based on different combinations of --link (applied to the dependency) and --shared-file-system:

--- --link no --link
--shared-file-system Server sends worker just the bundle path (/u/nlp/data) Server sends worker just the bundle path (which must be in CodaLab bundle store /u/codalab/bundles/...)
no --shared-file-system Server sends worker the bundle contents (reading from the path - /u/nlp/data) Server sends worker the bundle contents (reading from the path in the CodaLab bundle store - /u/codalab/bundles/...)

Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage can be used as a bundle store. Note that this feature is in beta and may change.

This feature is in progress. Currently, bundles can only be uploaded to Blob Storage, but bundles cannot be downloaded!

To upload a file with Azure Blob Storage, use cl upload with the --use-azure-blob-storage-beta option (or -a):

cl upload test.txt -a

Server setup

In order to enable Azure Blob Storage as a bundle store, follow these instructions:

  1. Create an Azure Blob Storage Account.
  2. Create a container named "bundles" from the Azure Portal.
  3. Set the CODALAB_AZURE_BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable to the Blob Storage connection string before starting the server.

If you want to force the rest server to always use Azure Blob Storage in the upload endpoint, set the CODALAB_ALWAYS_USE_AZURE_BLOB_BETA environment variable there:


Local development

During local development, you can simulate the Azure Blob Storage Account by running the azurite service from By default, this service is not run, so you must explicitly specify it:

python start -bds default azurite