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Code Overview

This document provides an overview of the components of CodaLab and should be read by anyone who wants to contribute to CodaLab.

Core backend


Schema (

This is a good place to start to understand the underlying data model in CodaLab.


  • bundle(uuid, command): contains core information
  • bundle_metadata: contains the optional, extensible information in a bundle
  • bundle_dependency: stores information about dependencies


  • worksheet(uuid, name)
  • worksheet_item: A worksheet conceptually is a list of worksheet items, which are either bundles, worksheets, markup or directive
  • worksheet_tag: the tags of a worksheet


  • user: information about a given user (name, affiliation, etc.)
  • group: information about a group, owned by a user
  • user_group: assignment of users to groups
  • group_bundle_permission: groups have permissions on bundles
  • group_object_permission: groups have permissions on worksheets


  • worker: information about a worker that has checked in
  • worker_run: a bundle running on a worker
  • worker_dependency: which bundles are available on a worker

Technically we use SQLAlchemy to allow Python to interface with the underlying database, but we don’t use it in the standard way. Instead of having Python objects representing bundles and worksheets, we use dictionaries and write raw SQL queries. See


We use alembic to change the database schema. Our migrations are in alembic/versions.


The actual bundle contents are stored on the file system (later, Azure blob storage or Amazon S3) with a interface.


Both the website and the CLI call the REST server to fetch information. The automatically generated documentation of the REST API. The important endpoints are defined in code here:

  • getting/updating information about bundles
  • getting/updating information about worksheets
  • performing worksheet interpretation, which should eventually be merged into

The payload returned by the REST API are defined by marshmallow and JSON API, which allows us to declaratively define the type of data that will be returned. The marshmallow schemas are defined in and


Recall that a worksheet is a list of worksheet items, where each item is markup, a bundle reference, a worksheet reference, or a directive. It is this last category that makes markdown more complex and powerful and is almost like a mini-programming language. See what the functionality looks like from the user's perspective.

Worksheet interpretation ( corresponds to taking (raw) worksheet items and converting it into a list of blocks, which can be visualized by a frontend.

The two most common types of blocks are markup (comprised of a contiguous sequence of markup worksheet items) and table (conceptually a contiguous list of bundles), but things get complicated with tables.

First, a table has a schema, which specifies what the columns are. Each schema is defined using directives (% schema foo, % add). Each schema item specifies which (part of) a file to fetch to show the contents of a cell for a row (bundle).

Second, a table could be defined by a list of bundles (raw markdown items) or a search directive, which returns a list of bundles.



The main entry point to performing actions on CodaLab (

This is a great point to start and trace through how various actions (e.g., creating a run) are carried out in the backend.

A CLI can interact with multiple CodaLab instances, and maintain aliases and current worksheet for each one. This is captured by the

The CLI ( is the entry point for running the REST server and bundle manager (and should include the worker too for uniformity).


The frontend is what is actually deployed to It uses React and Material UI.

The major components are in src/components.

The main pages are:

  • Home page (HomePage.js): landing page.
  • Worksheet view (Worksheet.js): the page that allows users to render and edit worksheets as well as the bundles inside them. Most of the time the user spends is on this page.
  • Bundle view (Bundle.js): refers to the page that shows information about a bundle

Many of the calls from the website to the REST server are through a mega REST endpoint (rest/ This seems a bit roundabout, but the rationale is to have a common way of performing actions on CodaLab, and this gives the opportunity for people using the frontend to be educated about the CLI (since commands for creating new worksheets, runs, etc. are converted into CLI commands).

Worker system

A worker contacts the CodaLab server to get bundles to run. The worker will download dependencies and Docker images and run bundles in Docker containers, and periodically report on the status of the runs.

A worker also has to respond to various commands such as reading files in the bundle while it's running, killing bundles, etc.

All data transfer between the worker and the server happens through a process known as worker check-in. In worker check-in, the worker calls a REST endpoint on the server /workers/<worker_id>/checkin in which the following happens: - The worker sends its current state (such as running bundles, dependencies), which the server uses to update the database entries for the worker and its bundles. - If a worker socket doesn't already exist, the server creates a worker socket for the worker. - Any data that was written to the worker socket is read and returned in the REST response. This data typically includes command messages (such as "read" or "kill"). The worker will then take action based on what's in the command.

Worker check-in happens periodically (default every 20 seconds), and its frequency can be configured through worker options.

What happens when a user takes an action that needs the worker to do something, such as viewing the contents of a running bundle? - The user makes a request to the REST server to view contents of the bundle /bundles/<bundle_id>/contents/blob/stdout - The server writes a JSON message {"action_type": "read", "path": "stdout"} to the worker socket. - The worker checks in, and the check-in response will contain the JSON message from above. - The worker then sends the contents of stdout to the REST endpoint /workers/<worker_id>/reply_data/<socket_id>. The server streams the contents to the worker socket. - The user's original request to /bundles/<bundle_id>/contents/blob/stdout blocks until the worker socket is written to. It then streams the contents of the worker socket (stdout) back to the user.

Websockets for speed

One problem was that reading the contents of running bundles would take up to 20 seconds. This is because in the process above, the worker only checks in every 5-10 seconds (or longer), and this can cause large delays in timing.

PR #4096 fixes this issue by adding a websocket, which allows for bidirectional communciation and essentially lets us trigger on-demand check-ins for the worker. The server now runs a websocket server (through the ws-server Docker container). The above process for viewing the contents of a running bundle now looks like the following (new text in bold):

  • The user makes a request to the REST server to view contents of the bundle /bundles/<bundle_id>/contents/blob/stdout
  • The server writes a JSON message {"action_type": "read", "path": "stdout"} to the worker socket.
  • The REST server pings ws://ws-server:2901/rest, which then forwards this ping to ws://ws-server:2901/worker/{worker_id}
  • The worker continually is connected to ws://ws-server:2901/worker/{worker_id} and listens for new messages. When a new message is received, the worker checks in.
  • The worker checks in, and the check-in response will contain the JSON message from above.
  • The worker then sends the contents of stdout to the REST endpoint /workers/<worker_id>/reply_data/<socket_id>. The server streams the contents to the worker socket.
  • The user's original request to /bundles/<bundle_id>/contents/blob/stdout blocks until the worker socket is written to. It then streams the contents of the worker socket (stdout) back to the user.

The main difference here is that the worker check-in now occurs immediately / on-demand. The request is no longer bound by the worker's check-in frequency.

In the future, we might want to move more communication between the server and worker to websockets.

Bundle manager

When a run bundle is created, it transitions between states from created to ready or failed.

The bundle manager ( runs on the server in the background in a loop. Its duties are:

  • Move bundles between various stages (created to staged when dependencies are ready) and when bundles time out.
  • Assign run bundles to workers based on resources and priorities (scheduling logic).
  • Create make bundles (trivial thing to do, but someone has to do it).


The worker's main entry point is codalab/worker/

The top-level is generic logic.

The worker has a DockerImageManager for maintaining Docker images and a DependencyManager for maintaining bundle dependencies, both of which are download asynchronously and require a cache.

Finally, the RunStateMachine does most of the heavy lifting and transitions jobs between different states.


There is one script that brings up and down an entire CodaLab service. See server setup for how to use it.

Any set of services (e.g., frontend, rest-server) are brought up using Docker Compose (compose_files). These compose files run the actual Docker images (dockerfiles).

Monitor script

The monitor script ( runs in a loop to back up the database, gets some statistics about the bundles and workers, and emails out a report every day.


Testing overview and philosophy

When you add a new functionality or fix a bug in CodaLab, you must add unit tests that test that functionality. We have enforced this constraint by adding Code Coverage checks to CI.

End-to-end tests should be used sparingly and only to test critical functionality and flows. This is because they are much more time-expensive to create and run. Code Coverage checks do not apply to E2E tests.

As we get more code coverage, we should gradually increase the thresholds until we reach 90-100%.

Unit tests

  • Frontend unit tests in the frontend/src/tests directory. These tests only test React components and mock out all network calls.
cd frontend
npm test

Sometimes, if the frontend UI changes and you need to update snapshots, run:

npm test -- -u

(Note: these are technically "integration tests" since they test multiple components' rendering at once, but let's call them unit tests for simplicity and to distinguish them from the E2E frontend tests).

  • Unit tests for the backend in the tests/unit directory. These tests mock out certain aspects of the backend to test backend classes / utilities.

To run all tests in the Docker container, run:

python3 unittest

If you would only like to run specific tests, for example just the worker tests, on your host machine (for faster iteration), you can run:

nosetests tests.unit.worker

Note that running the actual REST API tests won't work if you're running it locally using nosetests; they need to be run on the actual Docker container using the command mentioned previously. The other tests should work, though.

End-to-end tests

  • One end-to-end integration script for the CLI in tests/cli/ These tests run an entire CodaLab server and don't mock out anything.
python3 default

You can update default with a specific test name (unittest, run, etc.) to only run a specific CLI test.

  • End-to-end UI tests for the web interface in tests/ui
python3 frontend
python3 tests/stress/ --instance --heavy